Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Things we did today, October 4, the expected due date:

• Went to the store
• Sat on the couch
• Were sad
• Asked Katie’s stomach nicely to produce a baby immediately
• Watched America’s Next Top Model
• Read about Sherlock Holmes
• Ate lunch
• Googled “how to turn a fetus into a baby + magicians + vancouver area”
• Did half of a crossword puzzle


Blogger Amy said...

Not to worry you or anything, but here are two recent stories I've heard:

We were talking about birth weights in my Forensics class and how they've gone up recent and the girl beside me told me she was 12lbs when she was born because she was "like a month" late!

Also, one of my new co-workers has a daughter whose first birthday was Sept 29th. He told me her due date was Sept 13th. I asked if they tried to enduse labour and he said they tried but it didn't work (!!) but she went into natural labour the next day. He thinks she was waiting so that she would be born on the same day as his sister, so do either of you have siblings born in October?

8:41 AM  

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