Monday, August 14, 2006

Mom wonders where she put that cup.
Breakfast, August 2006.

Dad's cereal does not, in fact, have any marshmallows of any kind.

Then we went to White Pine Beach. Later that day, August 2006.

Pale people aren't sure what to do in the natural sunlight: completing the Province crossword (and scoffing at their mistakes).

Mom gives her approval.

Baby's first suntan. ('Beach babes' beside us gossip loudly about their friends, we eavesdrop on why Steffi is a "total bitch".)

These sunglasses get 100% UV coverage, 33% face coverage.

More out-of-breath than a 7.5-month pregnant woman.

The pregnant version of flashing strangers.

The happy couple (baby off-camera, likely hitting on/gossipping with 'beach babes').


Blogger Dock Currie said...

hahaha, you three make my boring day bright.

You shouldn't go cold turkey on those marshmallows, though, Mike.

Once the baby arrives you can never again be seen enjoying the smooth crisp smack of a soggy stale cereal marshmallow. You've got to make manly smores to even be around the basic materials.

1:52 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

He he he your tummy is so cute! I cant wait to see u 3 next weekend!!!!!! miss u tons!!!!!

7:29 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

mwaaaaaaah, you're so cute!

9:22 AM  
Blogger Dock Currie said...

c'mon now,

what the fuck is an "Anyanelighter"


11:41 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

Okay, okay, I realize that looking at those clues in such detail exposes my idiocy. The clue for "Anyanelighter" was something like 'Smoker's convenience' and I figured it would be "Anyone lighter", because, y'know, you can use anyone's lighter!

Not only is that ungrammatical but it is also stupid. The correct answer was "Butanelighter". Obviously.

11:08 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

k...mike seriously...I didn't even see the clue, but when I saw "anyanelighter" I thought "it's probably supposed to be Butane Lighter"

geez, levae your kids enlgish lessons to me, k?

(I went back and added typos on purpose - i'm THAT funny)

9:23 PM  

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