Wednesday, March 28, 2007

It is less than a week until my mornings with Bridget are taken from me by the evils of dressing up, getting a bus pass, and going to work. In attempts to self counsel myself via the interweb, I googled “returning to work after baby anxiety.” Here’s what I found:

“I had pretty severe anxiety about going back to work, to the point that I had many negative fantasies about terrible things happening to me or to my baby. I would worry all day, and cry on the train to and from work. This lasted about six weeks. It got better over time and with help from a therapist”

“I have been trying to decide to return to part-time work for the last 6 months. Each time I make up my mind to go back, I change it again the week later. I have actually found jobs, and then quit them, help!”

“Sometimes I would get in my car and just start crying. I would have to go in the house a say goodbye one last time. I was a wreck.”

In conclusion, I am as crazy and therefore normal. Wish me luck.


Blogger Amy said...

Good luck katie, and even without reading what you googled, i would have suspected your feelings to be normal!!

10:57 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

I cant imagine what that must be like. Good Luck!! I know that you are a very strong woman, and I wish u both luck!! Love u guys!

12:23 PM  
Blogger Lee said...

Golly, I miss you.

12:30 PM  
Blogger Rachel Griffith said...

just wanted to send you a congratulations for getting through your first day of work : )

12:08 PM  
Blogger Rachel Griffith said...

Unfortunately there are no baby shirts...alas, thought you might think it was humourous.

8:35 PM  
Blogger Rachel Griffith said...

you baby grows so much between visits...and blog entries. we all just want more photos and updates, so we can watch her grow : )
Oh, and I KNOW I am speaking for everyone...

10:44 AM  

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