“I had pretty severe anxiety about going back to work, to the point that I had many negative fantasies about terrible things happening to me or to my baby. I would worry all day, and cry on the train to and from work. This lasted about six weeks. It got better over time and with help from a therapist”
“I have been trying to decide to return to part-time work for the last 6 months. Each time I make up my mind to go back, I change it again the week later. I have actually found jobs, and then quit them, help!”
“Sometimes I would get in my car and just start crying. I would have to go in the house a say goodbye one last time. I was a wreck.”
In conclusion, I am as crazy and therefore normal. Wish me luck.
Good luck katie, and even without reading what you googled, i would have suspected your feelings to be normal!!
I cant imagine what that must be like. Good Luck!! I know that you are a very strong woman, and I wish u both luck!! Love u guys!
Golly, I miss you.
just wanted to send you a congratulations for getting through your first day of work : )
Unfortunately there are no baby shirts...alas, thought you might think it was humourous.
you baby grows so much between visits...and blog entries. we all just want more photos and updates, so we can watch her grow : )
Oh, and I KNOW I am speaking for everyone...
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