Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ferry ride to Victoria, Sunday night.

Day one: Katie's at school, we're at a petting zoo.

Friendly squirrel (not part of petting zoo).

Neither was the tree.

Nor the ducks.

Here we are: the running of the goats.

They're running for their breakfast.

It's all very exciting.

Then you can brush them while they eat.

Vantage point.

Downtown Victoria.

Bridget handled the map.

Waterfront view.

Mom's home. How was your day?

Don't talk with your mouth full, Mom.

Day two: Katie's at school, we're making bird nests.

Where have these last 18 months gone?

Sand castles at Cadboro Bay.

"Scoop it up, pat it down -- that's our motto."

Day three: Katie's at school, we're having breakfast with my aunt and watching sea planes land.

Munro's Books.

Photo shoot.

"Take a picture of me laughing, dad."

Bunnies at UVic. (This may be day four: it was supposed to rain that morning, so we didn't bring the camera to Oak Bay while we fed the seals.)

Bridget had her own camera. Mostly she took pictures of her animals, and people's torsos.

Day five: Katie's at school, we're having breakfast at a hip restaurant.

In line for the museum.

Still life. (They didn't allow pictures in the amazing British Treasures exhibit, and Bridget was terrified of the museum's famous woolly mammoth.)

Check your six.

Gift shop. (Not pictured: puppet battle, raccoon v. clam.)


Blogger Agnes said...

Holy Moly! Bridget is so grown up! I can tell from the photos - she's totally going to be the coolest girl in school. But she'll still be nice to the dorks and their like.

9:54 PM  

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