Friday, October 26, 2007

I wonder if, ten years from now, Bridget will remember this funny little apartment she lived in.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Maplewood Farm, a perfect birthday treat. In fact, the next day we recommended the outing to the parents of a soon-to-be-one-year-old by the swings. Bridget liked the cows, I was wary of biting bunnies. I like these pictures because they look like England. But it's not, it's North Vancouver by the highway and a 7-11 that closed down. Check it out.

Party no. 1. Thank you friends of Bridget. Thank you cameraman Mike/technicolourdreammat. Thank you pretty box and paper and obvious comments that followed regarding their ironic playabilities.

Party no. 2. She walked, she talked, she ate the B off her cupcake. Yes, she got twenty dollars. Yes, she loved those bows.

Thanks again to everyone who called/came to her birthday. And while I am sure she wouldn't have minding me buying a coffee and reading her the newspaper instead, we feel as if we did the right thing. Plus, there are pictures to prove it.