Sunday, February 25, 2007

For my birthday, Bridget agreed to try solid food then disagreed that she should swollow it. We will keep trying (now three days and four outfits later, no improvments). She also tried coming in the bathtub with me. I think she liked it but I was so scared I would lose grip under her slippery soapy armpits, I had to cut the fun short.

Next on the 'to try' list: sleeping more than four hours.

(I think I just made a lame parenting joke which I will try to brush off as me being ironic.)
Bridget with my Dad. February 2007.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Our baby in blue.

Losing your camera charger isn't all bad news when you have a friend like Janine. Thank you to Janine for snapping our first family photo and thank you to Janine's mom for the book (pictured here)!

The book is "If You Take a Mouse to School," by Laura Numeroff. After a quick read, Bridget has learnt that if you take a mouse to school you will have to feed him, play with him, teach him things, take him to the bathroom and that it's a lot of hard work. It's a lot of hard work and then he will forget to bring home his lunch box and you will have to drive all the way back to school to pick it up.

I am just wondering, are all books written by resentful parents of ungrateful children?